Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pretty Pictures

My little cutie in his sissy's room! Reading the paper...

Future scholar

Court date, you ask? "No", I say. Irked, you ask? "Yes", I say. Still no court date and as far as we know at this point we are no closer now than we were when our dossier arrived on 7-7-08.
We are looking forward to spending our first Thanksgiving with Ian. He is truly an amazing little spirit. I know that I am supposed to say those things because he is mine but honestly...amazing. He is saying everything. He will try to say anything at least once. He woke us up this morning standing in the bed singing the theme song to Sponge Bob Squarepants. He isn't allowed to watch that show but apparently it has a nice enough ring to it that he remembered the melody of the song from the few times he's heard it! He loves football...calls it buttball! Anything pertaining to football catches his attention and gets a loud buttball screamed out! Too cute for words. He says crazy things like doctor and Pacey and out, up, down, in, shoes, get the point. His personality is captivating and I guess I never expected him to be his own little person this early. He makes up songs where momma is the only word in the song and it melts my heart. This was the parenthood I was so ready and waiting for. I love this...every moment...even the nights when Ian thinks that morning has come at 2am and we don't go back to sleep until 30 minutes before I have to get up for work!!! Fun times.
Enjoy the pictures and have a blessed and wonderful holiday season.


Jocelyn said...

I can't believe how big Ian is getting!! I am thinking of you guys and hope you hear about your court date soon.

Amy B. said...

I am so excited about Saturday! I can't believe how tall Ian has gotten. I've noticed Nathan is getting longer and leaner here lately too. That is hilarious about the buttball. Elijah use to call it bootball...that and touchdown were his first words :) I hope you hear about a court date soon too. See you day after tomorrow!

Lori S said...

I love the pictures! It brought a smile to my face to read about 'buttball' and singing 'momma' songs! What a cutie!

~Laura~ said...

I can't get over how tall he is! He's getting so big. He's precious! Praying you hear about a court date SOON!

coffeemom said...

I don't know what the hold up is but am praying for a court date and soon for your sweet girl! Hang in there, I know it's hard!

Tania @ Larger Family Life said...

Praying you'll get your court date very soon.
