Monday, January 12, 2009

my favorite time is now

I know this may be a shocker but I am living in the favorite time of my life. I will begin with a little disclaimer. I am aware that court has not successfully happened yet and I am waiting anxiously to bring home a beautiful person who will add more happiness to my life than I ever thought possible but I am talking about today.

As I look back at pictures from the past months and see what a tiny baby Ian has changed from I tend to get a little sappy. It seemed that our time with him as an infant was so short..too short. Before I knew it he was wiggling to get out of my lap and pushing my kisses away. I dreaded the transition to this toddler age because it meant an expression of his independence and I just was not ready. I knew that when the walking started and the bottles stopped, he was officially crossing over. How could I have dreaded that? It is so wonderful. I want to hang on to each day because I just know no other day could ever be better than this one. Then I wake up to this precious little boy who hugs my neck and gives me unsolicited kisses and realize that every moment is my favorite time. Every day is more perfect than the last and I am the most blessed person alive.

Life will continue to change very rapidly for us. I will continue to enjoy each change and embrace the moments I have with my wonderful children. Finally, the grass is not "greener" anywhere else on earth.
I leave you with pictures of Ian and his best friend forever!


nell ann said...

That is so sweet! And a tad sappy. But I'm glad to see it coming from someone other than just me! We're still waiting for our referral, but I'm already so in love!

Jocelyn said...

Very sweet post!! I love that line, the grass isn't greener anywhere else!!

Amy B. said...

I love this post Lindsey. Thanks for the reminder to LIVE IN THE MOMENT!


Kristy -Mom To 9 Blessings said...

What a sweet post! I am counting down the days with you until court!
How exciting....AND nerve racking....

Amber said...

Very well said.

It's funny how the things we want, like keeping him a baby, aren't really what we want at all. It's a joy to see them grow and become all that God entails.

Amber said...

Your story is so amazing. Watching you get your little boy for the first time made me cry! That is going to be us in a couple of months. We have a court date of 2/25 for a little boy 9 months old.

Leah Reeves said...

I love this post! So great.
