Thursday, August 23, 2007

We own it!!!

As of 9:30 this AM we officially are the proud owners of lot #13 in Happy Valley (now known as the Scott Addition)!!! Our contractor came out today and we decided where the house would be. He is assuring us the fastest timeline possible...wink, wink! We went kitchen cabinet shopping and we are on our way to pick out the brick color right now! VERY EXCITING!! Now if Natalie would only call with our referral that would make this day soooo much nicer!
I was reading another blog today about a family just getting started in the process. She was talking about how she couldn't sleep and how she thought about so many things so much of the time! I am so happy to read that!!! I too do those things. I can be so tired and ready to go to bed and I will look at someone's blog and boom, fear, anxiety, and excitement for the unknown hits me. Then I spend the next hour reading blogs and wondering about how it will go for us. I can't wait until waiting for Ian is but a distant memory.

1 comment:

Tara said...

did i forget to comment?? wierd...i could have sworn i did...
anyway, how exciting!! man, so many big changes going on in your life! how long until the house is "supposed" to be done?